App includes viewing all available flight tickets from different routes, book a ticket.I have integrated the Razorpay payment integration through which a ticket can booked.
Pinax is a landing page made in Angular and tailwindcss.
Hello ! Here is a Full Stack Web App.A responsive Web app where one can order food online, having Admin Panel with access to add & delete menu items!
This is a clone of google keeper app. It is a note taking app where you can add, delete and edit notes.
It is a web-crawler that can traverse websites starting from a given seed URL, following links to discover and crawl additional pages within the defined scope, It will scrape all the front add files like html, php except the backend code files to ensure safety!
A portfolio project showcases an individual's or a professional's work, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and visually appealing manner to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential opportunities.
Here is ChatGPT Clone which uses RapidAPI to fetch the data from the openAI ChatGPT.
Discover new movies and genres with chatbot experience.
A web3 based decentralised money lending system to allow users to send,receive,borrow and lend money(on Goerli Testnet)
This website is of finding username on github so that everyone can access their prs, issues,repositories.